That is because you have <table CLASS="resultslist"> and asked for
#resultslist. This should work:

$('.resultslist tbody tr').length

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:14 PM, heohni
<> wrote:
> Sorry, but it returns only 0...?
> On 24 Feb., 14:07, jQuery Lover <> wrote:
>> > Is there a way to count the rows of a specfic< table
>> > class="resultslist"> or even better the TR elements of the <tbody>  of
>> > #resultslist? And how do I know on what row I am currently are when a
>> > checkbox was clicked?
>> Use this code to find out how many table rows are there in the table:
>> $('#resultslit tbody tr').length
>> More about it 
>> here:
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:47 PM, heohni
>> <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > on a table list of results (amount of rows = unknown) I want to change
>> > the row colour by adding / removing the class name
>> > (class="highlighttr"). As my list is already 2 coloured (class="row1"
>> > and class="row2"), I am checking the current, prev and next class name
>> > of the parent tr element to set back the correct class name.
>> > Now I am on the case, if all rows are checked - I cannot proof the
>> > next and prev element, as all elements having the same "highlight"
>> > class name.
>> > I thought, if I would be able to count all tr rows, I would know on
>> > which row I am currently and I would now the right class name.
>> > Is there a way to count the rows of a specfic< table
>> > class="resultslist"> or even better the TR elements of the <tbody>  of
>> > #resultslist? And how do I know on what row I am currently are when a
>> > checkbox was clicked?
>> > For a better reference I paste you my code.
>> > Thanks so far!
>> > Code:
>> > $(document).ready(function() {
>> >        // Change colour of selected row
>> >        $("input:checkbox").click(function(){
>> >        var checked_status = this.checked;
>> >        //alert(checked_status);
>> >        var name_current = $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").attr('class');
>> >        var name_next = $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").next().attr('class');
>> >        var name_prev = $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").prev().attr('class');
>> >        //alert(name_current);
>> >        //alert(name_next);
>> >        //alert(name_prev);
>> >                if(checked_status == true) {
>> >                        //alert('checked');
>> >                        
>> > $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").removeClass(name_current);
>> >                $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").addClass('highlighttr');
>> >        }else{
>> >                        //alert('unchecked');
>> >                $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").removeClass('highlighttr');
>> >                        if(name_next && name_next == 'row1'){
>> >                                
>> > $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").addClass('row2');
>> >                        }else if(name_next && name_next == 'row2'){
>> >                                
>> > $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").addClass('row1');
>> >                        }else if(!name_next && name_prev && name_prev == 
>> > 'row1'){
>> >                                
>> > $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").addClass('row2');
>> >                        }else if(!name_next && name_prev && name_prev == 
>> > 'row2'){
>> >                                
>> > $(this).parents("tr:eq(0)").addClass('row1');
>> >                        }
>> >        }
>> >        });
>> > });

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