It seems there is an animation (of 3 hero images) on your homepage and
also there is an image slide. Some jquery plugin according to this

               $.getScript("assets/js/ufslide.plugin.js", function(){
                         btnNext: ".next",
                         btnPrev: ".prev",
                         auto: false,
                         mouseWheel: true

If you want to add more images to this slideshow, you should simply
copy paste the <li> element and ammend it for new images.

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:21 PM, sydmalayalee <> wrote:
> Hi i am in the middle of a project, i got a script for slideshow. i
> would like to add more pictures (minimum 6) . The existing script got
> only 3 images, can someone help me to add more pics to that script
> please.
> i have attached the script here.
> var Site = {
>        start : function($)
>        {
>                // Popup Links
>                jQuery("a.popup").click(
>                        function(event) {
>                                event.preventDefault();
>                      $(this).attr("href"));
>                        }
>                );
>                // Home page loading animation
>                        function startQue() {
>                                clearTimeout(showStart);
>                                jQuery("#wordmark").fadeOut("slow", 
> loadContent);
>                        }
>                        function loadContent(){
>                                jQuery("#content").fadeIn("slow", loadHero);
>                        };
>                        function loadHero() {
>                                setTimeout(showHero1, 3000);
>                                setTimeout(hideHero1, 3000);
>                        };
>                        function showHero1() {
>                                $("#featImg01").fadeIn("slow");
>                        };
>                        function hideHero1() {
>                                $("#featImg01").parent().fadeOut("slow");
>                                setTimeout(showHero2, 3000);
>                                setTimeout(hideHero2, 3000);
>                        };
>                        function showHero2() {
>                                $("#featImg02").parent().fadeIn("slow");
>                        };
>                        function hideHero2() {
>                                $("#featImg02").parent().fadeOut("slow");
>                                setTimeout(showHero3, 3000);
>                        };
>                        function showHero3() {
>                                $("#featImg03").parent().fadeIn("slow");
>                                $("#nav").fadeIn("slow");
>                                rloadHero();
>                        };
>                var loading = $("#wordmark").size();
>                if (loading == 1) {
>                        $("#wordmark").show();
>                        var showStart = setTimeout(startQue,3000);
>                } else {
>                        showHero();
>                }
>                function showHero() {
>                        rloadHero();
>                }
>                        function rloadHero() {
>                                setTimeout(rshowHero1, 2000);
>                                setTimeout(rhideHero1, 6000);
>                        };
>                        function rshowHero1() {
>                                $("#featImg02").parent().hide();
>                                $("#featImg03").parent().hide();
>                                $("#featImg01").parent().fadeIn("slow");
>                        };
>                        function rhideHero1() {
>                                $("#featImg01").parent().fadeOut("slow");
>                                setTimeout(rshowHero2, 2000);
>                                setTimeout(rhideHero2, 6000);
>                        };
>                        function rshowHero2() {
>                                $("#featImg02").parent().fadeIn("slow");
>                        };
>                        function rhideHero2() {
>                                $("#featImg02").parent().fadeOut("slow");
>                                setTimeout(rshowHero3, 2000);
>                                setTimeout(rhideHero3, 6000);
>                        };
>                        function rshowHero3() {
>                                $("#featImg03").parent().fadeIn("slow");
>                        };
>                        function rhideHero3() {
>                                $("#featImg03").parent().fadeOut("slow");
>                                setTimeout(rshowHero1, 2000);
>                                setTimeout(rhideHero1, 6000);
>                        };
>                // Projects Slideshow
>                if ($(".slide").size()==1){
>                $(".slide>ul>li").css("display","block");
>                $.getScript("assets/js/mousewheel.plugin.js");
>                $.getScript("assets/js/ufslide.plugin.js", function(){
>                         $("#desc").hide();
>                         $(".slide").slide({
>                          btnNext: ".next",
>                          btnPrev: ".prev",
>                          auto: false,
>                          mouseWheel: true
>                        });
>                });
>                }
>                // Project Details Pop-up
>                $("#prjPopup").toggle(function(event){
>                  event.preventDefault();
>                  showProjectDesc();
>                  },function(){$("#desc").fadeOut("slow");$("#desc").attr
> ("style","display:none;");});
> //$("#desc").bind("mouseleave",function(){$(this).fadeOut("slow");$
> (this).attr("style","display:none;");});
>                function showProjectDesc(){
>                var prjDesc = $("#desc");
>                var prjDescH = prjDesc.height();
>                var prjNav = $("#slidenav");
>                var prjPosition = prjNav.position();
>                var prjDescTop =;
>                $("#desc").show().animate({top: (prjDescTop-prjDescH) - 10, 
> opacity:
> '0.7'}, "12000",'easeInOutQuad');
>                }
>                $("#desc").removeClass("descPop");
>                // Email obfuscator
>                $("dd#email").each(function()
>                {
>                var email = 
> String($("dd#email").html()).replace(/\s*\(.+\)\s*/,
> "@");
>                $("dd#email").html(email);
>                });
>        }
> }
> jQuery.noConflict();
> //slide easing start
> jQuery.easing['jswing'] = jQuery.easing['swing'];
> jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing,
> {
>        def: 'easeOutQuad',
>        swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
>                //alert(jQuery.easing.default);
>                return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d);
>        },
>        easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
>                return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
>        },
>        easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
>                return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
>        },
>        easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
>                if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;
>                return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
>        }
> });
> //slide easing Over
> jQuery(document).ready(function($){
>        Site.start($);
> });
> Thank you very much
> Raj

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