
We just ran into the same issue. In my case we are opening a modal
window with nyroModal. Here is the validate function.

var myValidate = $("#myform").validate({
                        ignoreTitle: true,
                        focusCleanup: false,
                        ignoreTitle: true,
                        debug: true,
                        onfocusout: false,
                        submitHandler: function(form) {
                                // do other stuff for a valid form
                                parent.$.nyroModalRemove(); return false;
                rules: {
                                        with_req_request_date: {
                                        required: true,
                                        with_req_request_type: {
                                        required: true
                                        withdrawal_reason_id: {
                                        required: true
                                        case_note: {
                                        required: true

                messages: {
                with_req_request_date: "Please enter the date in proper
'mm/dd/yyyy' format",
                    with_req_request_type: "Please select the request type",
                                withdrawal_reason_id: "Please select the 
withdrawal reason",
                                case_note: "Please enter the case note"

                // } )

                }) //End of validate

What I did notice if that I do not do the form.submit inside the
submit handler the recursion does not occur.  Not sure if that helps.
Also in this case this is the only validate call.


On Feb 9, 1:19 am, James <james.gp....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since you can't show any code, with only what I see there should not
> be any issues...
> That is, there is no issue with using twovalidatefunctions on two
> different forms, each with it's own set of rules.
> You're going to have to show more code for us to get to down to the
> issue.
> On Feb 8, 5:54 pm, Cutter <cutte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have an odd thing happening with the Validation Plugin (latest build
> > on JQuery 1.3). I have several forms setup on a page, with validation
> > on two. My first works fine, but my second keeps giving me errors in
> > Firebug about 'too muchrecursion'. The configs for these two form
> > validations are nearly identical, with the exception of the rules and
> > messages, which are very basic field-is-requirewswwd kinda stuff. Some
> > searching on the web shows me that there used to be a ticket on this
> > (#2995), but that it was closed without fix.
> > I have stripped down my second form'svalidatemethod (the one that is
> > erroring) to the barest of validation scripts, and can not get by it
> > for the life of me. The configs each set avalidate() method on a
> > separate form.
> > $('#frm1').validate({
> >    // config here
> > }
> > $('#frm2').validate({
> >     // second config here
> > }
> > I am getting nowhere. Anyone?
> > (BTW, I can't post the code, or show you a form, because it's all
> > behind the firewall)

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