Sorry, another question... I just playing arround with different

        // on default, disable the submit button
        $(".requestbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");

        function check_how_many_products_checked(){
                        type: "POST",
                        url: "/ajax_add_selected_product_to_session.php",
                        success: function(msg){
                                /* add here what to do on success */
                                return msg;

        var x = "";
        x = check_how_many_products_checked();

The alert is always "undefined"...
Why? I must return the figure 2, what it does, if I alert the msg
Sorry for these questions, I am just about to learn the syntax.

On 25 Feb., 10:57, heohni <>
> Ok, thanks a lot!!
> On 25 Feb., 10:38, system div <> wrote:
> >  var how_many_checked= '';
> > $.ajax({
> >                type: "POST",
> >                url: "/ajax_add_selected_product_to_session.php",
> >                success: function(msg){
> >                        /* add here what to do on success */
> >                        //alert(msg);
> >                       how_many_checked = msg;
> >                }
> >        });
> > alert(how_many_checked);
> > if(how_many_checked !=undefined) {
> > do some..................................................
> > }
> > On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 5:31 PM, heohni
> > <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > $.ajax({
> > >                type: "POST",
> > >                url: "/ajax_add_selected_product_to_session.php",
> > >                success: function(msg){
> > >                        /* add here what to do on success */
> > >                        //alert(msg);
> > >                        var how_many_checked = msg;
> > >                }
> > >        });
> > > alert(how_many_checked);
> > > if(how_many_checked > 0) .......
> > > the FF returns "how_many_checked" ist not defined.
> > > Why?
> > > How can I define a var and use it for a later coming if / else part?
> > > Thanks a bunch!

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