It requires the cookie plugin.

Paul Allington wrote:
Would the cookies option help in this case? I've come across the cookies option but I haven't been able to make it work (I don't know when it saves the cookie).


2009/2/25 David Muir < <>>

    I think what P is referring to is what using cookies enables:
    remember what tab you were on when refreshing the page.

    Which makes me wonder, why not have an option to have the hash set
    instead of using a cookie?


    <div class="tabs">
          <li><a href="#tab1">Tab1</a></li>
          <li><a href="#tab2">Tab2</a></li>
      <div id="tab1"></div>
      <div id="tab2"></div>

    If I type index.html#tab2 in the address bar, it loads the page
    with tab2 selected. Which is great, as it lets me jump to a
    specific tab from a different page, and refreshing the page means
    that tab2 stays selected.
    Currently we need to use a separate plugin to handle this. Looking
    through the source, it says that the hash is being stripped from
    the url until issue #3808 is fixed. Just checked and 3808 has been
    fixed, so does that mean we can have our hashes again? :-)


    Klaus Hartl wrote:

        You're giving way too less information to answer the question
        if this
        has been sorted out. Maybe it needs to be sorted out in your
        own code.

        Please provide a pastebin or test page.


        On 25 Feb., 11:22, Intelligent Penguin
        < <>>

            I've got some of the UI/Tabs (which are very nice, really
            like them)
            on a page that is encased in an UpdatePanel.  On doing a
            postback, the selected tab reverts to it's initial state
            (ie, if I do
            a partial postback from tab #2, it reverts to displaying
            tab #1).

            Has this been sorted already?

            Many thanks, P

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