Jorn, could you be more specific about the fix in terms of removing
the span tags? I'm using the async script to load the menu...

Thanks very much!

On Dec 29 2008, 6:41 am, walkinthere <> wrote:
> I'd like to do the opposite.
> Clicking any link in the tree (whether a parent or leaf) should
> load the page AND toggle to expand/collapse.
> In the demo, it LOOKS like this works.  But the demo does not use
> real links, so the page isn't reloaded with another.
> You can see this on
> when clicking Meatballs, for example.  The page is reloaded, but
> the node isn't expanded unless you click the + or -.
> Really happy with the plugin, very professional look.
> On Dec 12, 6:23 pm, "Jörn Zaefferer" <>
> wrote:
> > Thetreeviewbinds click events on span-elements. If you remove or
> > replace those, you should get the desired behaviour.
> > Jörn
> > On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Syntaxis <> wrote:
> > > A few feature requests:
> > > 1. I want to be able to click on the text inside an LI-tag without
> > > toggling the tree. Just like in a filesystem, I want to select the
> > > folder, but not necessarily expand it's view.
> > > 2. Please keep up the good work!

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