Hello, I relatively new to Javascript in general, but I've been
attempting to use jQuery for a while, I ran into a snag today and I
hope someone can help, here is what I have so far:

  var id = $('#invoice_line_item_rows .item.description textarea').attr
  $("#add_line").click(function() {
("#invoice_line_items").effect("highlight", {}, 600, function() {
      $(id).replaceWith("invoice_lines_attributes_new_" + $(this).val()
+1 + "_description");

I'm trying to clone #invoice_line_item_rows and append to
#invoice_line_items which works just fine, the problem I'm having is
with the id in the text area
#invoice_lines_attributes_new_1_description that's what it looks like.
I'm trying to grab the newly created row textarea and increase the
number by +1, I think I'm close, or I could be completely wrong, and
idea what I could do or change to get this working? Thanks for
anyone's time and help!

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