And just as an exercise, here's the 'jQuery' way chained:


Not really any speed gain though.

On Feb 26, 1:21 am, mkmanning <> wrote:
> It's possible. Here's a more traditional way:
>         $('a').each(function(i,link){
>             if(i<10){$(link).addClass('first');}
>             else if (i>9 && i<20){$(link).addClass('second');}
>             else if (i>19&&i<30){$(link).addClass('third');}
>                 else if (i>29&&i<40){$(link).addClass('fourth');}
>         })
> Here's a more 'jQuery' way:
>         $('a:lt(10)').addClass('first');
>         $('a:gt(9):lt(10)').addClass('second');
>         $('a:gt(19):lt(10)').addClass('third');
>         $('a:gt(29):lt(10)').addClass('fourth');
> Which is better? The first takes a little over half as long as the
> second.
> On Feb 25, 10:45 pm, Nic Hubbard <> wrote:
> > I have a list of links, around 40 of them.  I want to apply classes to
> > groups of them.  So, items 1-10 I want to apply a class to, then
> > 11-20, then 21-30 and 31-40, each of these groups should have their
> > own class.
> > Is something like this possible?  I looked through the jQuery
> > selectors and could not find a solution.

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