
has anyone seen this problem?



On Feb 25, 3:26 pm, phipps_73 <phipp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was previously using version 1.29 of the MultiFile plugin and it was
> working. Then I upgrade to jquery-1.3.1 and since then the MultiFile
> plugin seems to fail to apply any options. I have upgraded to the
> latest version of the MultiFile plugin and it still is not working.
> I have the following call in my document.ready:
> $('#frmEmailFrm input:file').MultiFile({max: 5,namePattern:'$name_
> $i',STRING:{remove:'Remove'}});
> It allows me to add more than 5 files, the namePattern stays as just
> $name and the remove string stays as 'x'.
> My input file has a name of 'attfile_' and so as each file is added it
> should become:
> attfile_
> attfile_1
> attfile_2
> attfile_3
> attfile_4
> Is there something I have done wrong?
> Cheers,
> Dave

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