Thank you very much.

It took me another hour but I managed to debug the code and get it all
working, thanks again.

On Feb 25, 7:38 pm, Stephan Veigl <> wrote:
> Hi,
> instead of doing a complicate string handling you could simply use
> window.location.hash:
> $finalurl = window.location.hash;
> For debugging I would do it step by step and not all in one line:
> var el = $($finalurl+" :first");
> var src = el.attr("src");
> var src_split = src.split(".");
> var new_src = src_split.join("_on.");
> el.attr("src", new_src);
> This way you can use firebug to step through your code and see which
> statement produces the error.
> by(e)
> Stephan
> 2009/2/25 digital <>:
> > Hi, pulling my hair out here.
> > When the page loads I'm collecting a variable from the url which
> > corresponds to the class of an image. I want to then change the image
> > source. I'm doing this because the page doesn't reload and the menu
> > needs to respond to the content if you get my meaning.
> > $url = location.href;
> > $hashtag = $
> > $url2 = $url.split("#", $hashtag);
> > $finalurl = $url2[1];
> > This is the code I use to get the class name. When I try to add
> > $finalurl to the attr (see below) it throws an error (undefined,
> > console.log shows it is defined within the if statement).
> > $($finalurl).attr("src", $($finalurl).attr("src").split(".").join
> > ("_on."));
> > Full code:
> > $url = location.href;
> > $hashtag = $
> > $url2 = $url.split("#", $hashtag);
> > $finalurl = $url2[1];
> > counttemp = 0;
> > if (counttemp == 0) {
> >        console.log($finalurl);
> >        $($finalurl).attr("src", $($finalurl).attr("src").split(".").join
> > ("_on."));
> >        counttemp = countemp + 1;
> > }
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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