Sorry, the question is about treeview plugin.

(the subject included [treeview], the plugin name what I'm asking
but now I don't see that name in it.)


eemece2 ha escrito:
> Hello!
> Can be used more than three levels?
> I'm using 4 levels, but treeview only show links to expand/colapse
> nodes/uls in the first two levels.
> A sample code is:
>       <script type="text/javascript">
>          $("#browser").treeview();
>         </script>
>       <ul id="browser" class="filetree">
>               <li><span class="folder">Folder 1</span>
>                       <ul>
>                               <li><span class="folder">Folder 1.1</span>
>                                       <ul id="folder21">
>                                               <li><span class="folder">Folder 
> 1.1.1</span></li>
>                                                       <ul>
>                                                               <li><span 
> class="file">File 1</span></li>
>                                                       </ul>
>                                       </ul>
>                               </li>
>                       </ul>
>               </li>
>       </ul>
> I see the nodes, but I can't colapse/hide the nodes.
> Is this normal? the plugin can't handle more than three levels?
> Thank you very much for your help, and greetings,
> eemece2

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