Third time a charm....

Attempt to post again.....

Hi All,

I have a JSON object (called 'dataloggers') that I am retrieving via
$.getJSON, and then creating a table dynamically with the results .
I can parse it just fine with $.each().

The structure looks like this:

   "dataloggers": {
       "TA_124A": {
           "values": {
               "one": "wake",
               "two": "up",
               "three": "time",
               "four": "to",
               "five": "die"
       "TA_109C": {
           "values": {
               "one": "this",
               "two": "is",
               "three": "not",
               "four": "a",
               "five": "test"

Here is the code I have for processing the 'dataloggers' JSON object:

$.getJSON("path/to/dataloggers.js", function(dlmon) {
   $.each(dlmon.dataloggers, function(dlname,arr){
       var tBodyRow = "<tr>";
       tBodyRow += '<td>'+dlname+'</td>' ;
       $.each(arr.values, function(vKey,vVal){
           tBodyRow += '<td>'+vKey+': '+vVal+'</td>' ;
       tBodyRow += "</tr>" ;
       $("table#dataloggers tbody").append(tBodyRow);

I have another JSON object (called 'stations') that I am retrieving
via $.getJSON(), that has the following structure:

           "snet": "TA"
           "commtype": "vsat",
           "provider": "Verizon",
           "snet": "TA"

What I need to do is process the 'stations' JSON object and add the
values returned to the processing of the 'dataloggers' object with the
$.each() function.

You will notice that the 'stations' object has a key-val pair of
"snet":"TA", which makes it easy for me to match the 'dataloggers' key
by just concatenating the 'stations' key with the 'snet' value. So
what I *think* I need to do is process the 'stations' JSON object
first, and create a new jQuery object on the fly with all the values I
need, which I then pass into the $.each() processing of the
'dataloggers' object. I tried to do this:

$.getJSON("path/to/stations.js", function(stalist) {
   var myStations = {} ;
   $.each(stalist.stations, function(staname,stavalues){
       var myStaTitle = stavalues.snet+"_"+staname ;
       var myStaVals = { "commtype": stavalues.commtype, "provider":
stavalues.provider } ;
       var staObj.push(myStaTitle) = myStaVals ; // could be very
wrong to use the push() array method??
   return myStations ;

I would have thought that I could then pass this newly created jQuery
object ('myStations') to the processing of the 'dataloggers' JSON
object, using the 'myStaTitle' match with the 'dlname' key. But every
attempt I have made has failed. For whatever reason (very likely my
syntax) I cannot create my custom jQuery object and then pass it on.
Something like?:

$.getJSON("path/to/dataloggers.js", function(dlmon) {
   $.each(dlmon.dataloggers, function(dlname,arr){
       var tBodyRow = "<tr>";
       tBodyRow += '<td>'+dlname+'</td>' ;
       $.each(arr.values, function(vKey,vVal){
           tBodyRow += '<td>'+vKey+': '+vVal+'</td>' ;

       // insert here?? why does this not work??
       tBodyRow += '<td>commtype: '+myStations.dlname.commtype+'</
td>' ;
       tBodyRow += '<td>provider: '+myStations.dlname.provider+'</
td>' ;

       tBodyRow += "</tr>" ;
       $("table#dataloggers tbody").append(tBodyRow);

I hope this all makes sense. If anyone could give me a shove in the
right direction, I would be much obliged. All help much appreciated
and thanks in advance.

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