
first of all, AJAX is _asynchronous_, do you have any mechanism that
ensures that the stations callback is executed _before_ the
_dataloggers_ callback? (e.g. requesting datalogger once myStations
has been filled)

If you use myStations in both callbacks is should be a global
variable. (I know, global variables are no good programming practice.
So either put all your global variables into one global object to
reduce namespace pollution or have it global in the scope of the

Would the additional "snet": "TA" variable hurt in myStations?
If not, simply link the json result to myStations:

var myStations = {} ;
$.getJSON("path/to/stations.js", function(stalist) {
   $.each(stalist.stations, function(staname,stavalues){
       var myStaTitle = stavalues.snet+"_"+staname ;
       myStations[myStaTitle] = stavalues;

I also noticed that you have a return statement in your callback. For
whom this return should be? The callback is executed within jQuery on
success of your AJAX request. jQuery does not know of your return


2009/2/27 tatlar <robertlnew...@gmail.com>:
> Attempt to post again.....
> Hi All,
> I have a JSON object (called 'dataloggers') that I am retrieving via
> $.getJSON, and then creating a <table> dynamically with the results .
> I can parse it just fine with $.each().
> The structure looks like this:
> {
>    "dataloggers": {
>        "TA_124A": {
>            "values": {
>                "one": "wake",
>                "two": "up",
>                "three": "time",
>                "four": "to",
>                "five": "die"
>            }
>        },
>        "TA_109C": {
>            "values": {
>                "one": "this",
>                "two": "is",
>                "three": "not",
>                "four": "a",
>                "five": "test"
>            }
>        }
>    }
> }
> Here is the code I have for processing the 'dataloggers' JSON object:
> $.getJSON("path/to/dataloggers.js", function(dlmon) {
>    $.each(dlmon.dataloggers, function(dlname,arr){
>        var tBodyRow = "<tr>";
>        tBodyRow += '<td>'+dlname+'</td>' ;
>        $.each(arr.values, function(vKey,vVal){
>            tBodyRow += '<td>'+vKey+': '+vVal+'</td>' ;
>        });
>        tBodyRow += "</tr>" ;
>        $("table#dataloggers tbody").append(tBodyRow);
>    });
> });
> This outputs a table:
> <table id="dataloggers">
>    <thead></thead>
>    <tfoot></tfoot>
>    <tbody>
>        <tr>
>            <td>TA_124A</td>
>            <td>one: wake</td>
>            <td>two: up</td>
>            <td>three: time</td>
>            <td>four: to</td>
>            <td>five: die</td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>            <td>TA_109C</td>
>            <td>one: this</td>
>            <td>two: is</td>
>            <td>three: not</td>
>            <td>four: a</td>
>            <td>five: test</td>
>        </tr>
>    </tbody>
> </table>
> I have another JSON object (called 'stations') that I am retrieving
> via $.getJSON(), that has the following structure:
> {
>    "stations":{
>        "124A":{
>            "commtype":"slink2orb",
>            "provider":"orb",
>            "snet": "TA"
>        },
>        "109C":{
>            "commtype": "vsat",
>            "provider": "Verizon",
>            "snet": "TA"
>        }
>    }
> }
> What I need to do is process the 'stations' JSON object and add the
> values returned to the processing of the 'dataloggers' object with the
> $.each() function, so that the HTML <table> output now looks like
> this:
> <table id="dataloggers">
>    <thead></thead>
>    <tfoot></tfoot>
>    <tbody>
>        <tr>
>            <td>TA_124A</td>
>            <td>one: wake</td>
>            <td>two: up</td>
>            <td>three: time</td>
>            <td>four: to</td>
>            <td>five: die</td>
>            <td>commtype: slink2orb</td>
>            <td>provider: orb</td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>            <td>TA_109C</td>
>            <td>one: this</td>
>            <td>two: is</td>
>            <td>three: not</td>
>            <td>four: a</td>
>            <td>five: test</td>
>            <td>commtype: vsat</td>
>            <td>provider: Verizon</td>
>        </tr>
>    </tbody>
> </table>
> You will notice that the 'stations' object has a key-val pair of
> "snet":"TA", which makes it easy for me to match the 'dataloggers' key
> by just concatenating the 'stations' key with the 'snet' value. So
> what I *think* I need to do is process the 'stations' JSON object
> first, and create a new jQuery object on the fly with all the values I
> need, which I then pass into the $.each() processing of the
> 'dataloggers' object. I tried to do this:
> $.getJSON("path/to/stations.js", function(stalist) {
>    var myStations = {} ;
>    $.each(stalist.stations, function(staname,stavalues){
>        var myStaTitle = stavalues.snet+"_"+staname ;
>        var myStaVals = { "commtype": stavalues.commtype, "provider":
> stavalues.provider } ;
>        var staObj.push(myStaTitle) = myStaVals ; // could be very
> wrong to use the push() array method??
>    });
>    return myStations ;
> });
> I would have thought that I could then pass this newly created jQuery
> object ('myStations') to the processing of the 'dataloggers' JSON
> object, using the 'myStaTitle' match with the 'dlname' key. But every
> attempt I have made has failed. For whatever reason (very likely my
> syntax) I cannot create my custom jQuery object and then pass it on.
> Something like?:
> $.getJSON("path/to/dataloggers.js", function(dlmon) {
>    $.each(dlmon.dataloggers, function(dlname,arr){
>        var tBodyRow = "<tr>";
>        tBodyRow += '<td>'+dlname+'</td>' ;
>        $.each(arr.values, function(vKey,vVal){
>            tBodyRow += '<td>'+vKey+': '+vVal+'</td>' ;
>        });
>        // insert here?? why does this not work??
>        tBodyRow += '<td>commtype: '+myStations.dlname.commtype+'</
> td>' ;
>        tBodyRow += '<td>provider: '+myStations.dlname.provider+'</
> td>' ;
>        tBodyRow += "</tr>" ;
>        $("table#dataloggers tbody").append(tBodyRow);
>    });
> });
> I hope this all makes sense. If anyone could give me a shove in the
> right direction, I would be much obliged. All help much appreciated
> and thanks in advance.

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