Hi Dave,
I'm using .NET 2.0.
And the web method is working fine with static parameters.
I could find a temporary solution of passing the JSON object as a
string and parsing the string into my .NET object using an open source
library Json.NET.
This way it works, but I'd be glad to avoid the 2 additional steps
that I have to carry out.

Mahesh Dedhia.

On Feb 27, 7:25 pm, David Meiser <dmei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mahesh,
> A few things, while I'm remembering:
> 1) Are you using .NET 3.5?  The method I gave you will (probably) only work
> with 3.5, although it might work with 3.0.
> 2) Make sure you have the following before  the class in your ASMX or ASPX
> file:  [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] (I believe this is new to
> 3.5, and is necessary to call your WebService via javascript)
> Does your web method return data if you pass in static data (eg - data:
> "{'fname':'John','lname':'Doe'}" in your data declaration on the JQuery
> side)?
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:05 AM, Mahesh <mrded...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey Dave,
> > Yes, I'm using ASP.NET web method inside an ASPX page.
> > I tried your solution, but didn't work.
> > Here, the code that I used.
> > Default.js
> >  function Call() {
> >    var person = { "fname" : "John",
> >                   "lname"  : "Doe"};
> >    $.ajax({
> >      type: "POST",
> >      url: "Default.aspx/WebMethod",
> >      //data: {},
> >      data: person,
> >       contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
> >       dataType: "json",
> >      success: function(msg) {
> >        alert('Successful');
> >      }
> >    });
> >  };
> > Default.aspx.cs
> >        [WebMethod]
> >        public static object WebMethod(string fname, string lname)
> >        {
> >            return new { fname = fname, lname = lname };
> >        }
> > Didn't work..
> > Apart from that, isn't there a way to recognize the JSON object as
> > Object and type-cast it to a similar .NET object?
> > I found something here,
> >http://www.dennydotnet.com/post/2008/03/03/Passing-a-JSON-object-to-a...
> > But it is using WCF which I don't want to.
> > Regards,
> > Mahesh.
> > On Feb 26, 11:00 pm, David Meiser <dmei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Are you talking about an ASP.NET web method?
> > > If you are, I think that you'll find it pretty easy using this:
> > >             $.ajax({
> > >                 type: "POST",
> > >                 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
> > >                 url: "myWebService.asmx/myWebMethod",
> > >                 data: myJSONObject
> > >                 dataType: "json",
> > >                 success: function(json) { // do Stuff }
> > >             });
> > > Just make sure that myWebMethod takes each item in the JSON object as a
> > > parameter and everything should work pretty well.
> > > Good luck!
> > > - Dave
> > > On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Mahesh <mrded...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > How do I pass a JSON object to a server side web method as a
> > > > parameter?
> > > > For example:
> > > > I have the following JSON object.
> > > > var person = { "firstName" : "John",
> > > >                    "lastName"  : "Doe",
> > > >                    "age"       : 23 };
> > > > and I want to pass this object in the data: "{}" block.
> > > > Is it possible?
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Mahesh.

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