Hi Alexandre,

Thanks for calling this to our attention. Actually, the page itself shouldn't be there. I just edited it to redirect to the proper location, http://docs.jquery.com/Attributes/removeClass

Please be assured that I had nothing to do with the placement of that link (even though I'm a co-author of it). In fact, I don't recommend that people buy the jQuery Reference Guide because it's out of date.

thanks again,


Karl Swedberg

On Feb 28, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

Hi there,

Since the docs are based on a wiki, i wonder if this is intended or
not by the jquery team:  on this page, the links chapter contains an
incentive to buy a jquery book.


" For more details buy the jQuery Reference Guide here in this site
http://www.packtpub.com/jQuery/book/mid/1004077zztq0 "

Not that it's out of context,, irrelevant or overly visually invasive,
but is this not  a hidden advertisement? Is this allowed?


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