You might want to try .hover():

- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:
I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
div, not anywhere within it.

        // ----- Show Artists Menu When Link moused over ------
        $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

                // Show Our Artists Box

        });//end mouseover

        // ----- Add Stuff When Link moused over ------
        $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

                // Add a mouse out on our box
                $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                        // Hide Our Artists Box

                });//end mouseover

        });//end mouseover

<div id="artistsBox" style="display:none;">
<div id="artistsColumns">links and stuff in here</div>

Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

Any ideas?

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