Would it be a better idea to use the .slice() function rather than
what I have?  Couldn't I just use the same math function to calculate
the number of items in each column?

On Mar 3, 11:59 am, Nic Hubbard <nnhubb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand now, and I appreciate your help.
> A new problem has arisen from this.  It seems that this loops through
> elements grouped in 3, rather than apply the class for the first
> column first, then the second one.
> Here is what I mean.  Say I have 9 p tags containing links.  This is
> how the script writes the classes:
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> So, when I group those by class name, and add a column div around
> them, they are completely out of their original order.  What I really
> need to do is:
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="first">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="second">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> <p class="third">Content</p>
> This way, it will group them properly when I use the wrapAll function.
> Is there a way to do it this way?
> Thanks again for your help!
> On Mar 3, 11:02 am, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Nic Hubbard <nnhubb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Should I keep the division by 10 on the Math function?
> > No, as i said, that's the problem. There's not only no need for it,
> > but it's giving you results you don't want. Quick: what's zero divided
> > by ten? And what's the remainder of that result divided by 3?
> > This should help to illustrate what's going on:
> > $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
> >         var d = Math.floor(i/10);
> >         var n = d % 3;
> >         $(this).html('<strong>d:' + d + ' n:' + n + '</strong><br />' +
> > $(this).html());
> >         $(this).addClass(classNames[n]);
> > });

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