I wanna cycle through a div containing other divs containing a
thumbnail and a large picture. It works everywhere but in IE 6 and 7.

thats my div which I wanna cycle through:

<div id="bilder">
        <div class="bildKomposition">
                <div class="thumb"><a href="#"><img src="img/kartoffeln.jpg"
alt="kartoffeln" /></a></div>
                <div class="gross">
        <img src="img/bildClose.gif" class="bildClose" alt="close" />
        <img src="img/kartoffeln_gross.jpg" alt="kartoffelnGross" /></
    <div class="bildKomposition">
                <div class="thumb"><a href="#"><img src="img/stimmung1.jpg"
alt="stimmung1" /></a></div>
                <div class="gross">
        <img src="img/bildClose.gif" class="bildClose" alt="close" />
        <img src="img/stimmung1_gross.jpg" alt="stimmung1Gross" /></
    <div class="bildKomposition">
                <div class="thumb"><a href="#"><img src="img/stimmung2.jpg"
alt="stimmung2" /></a></div>
                <div class="gross">
        <img src="img/bildClose.gif" class="bildClose" alt="close" />
        <img src="img/stimmung2_gross.jpg" alt="stimmung2Gross" /></
    <div class="bildKomposition">
                <div class="thumb"><a href="#"><img src="img/wein.jpg" 
alt="wein" /
                <div class="gross">
        <img src="img/bildClose.gif" class="bildClose" alt="close" />
        <img src="img/wein_gross.jpg" alt="weinGross" /></div>
    <div class="bildKomposition">
                <div class="thumb"><a href="#"><img src="img/stimmung3.jpg"
alt="stimmung3" /></a></div>
                <div class="gross">
        <img src="img/bildClose.gif" class="bildClose" alt="close" />
        <img src="img/stimmung3_gross.jpg" alt="stimmung3Gross" /></
<div id="nexter"><a href="#" id="next">&gt;</a></div>
<div id="nav"></div>

And this is the cyclefunction:

                fx:    'fade',
                speed:  500,
                timeout: 0,
                next:   '#next',
                pager: '#nav'

When you click on a thumbnail the corresponding large picture fades in
and when you click on the closeimage the large picture dissappears and
the thumbnail fades in again.:



Can anybody tell me please why this doesn't work in IE?

LivePreview: www.zumgoldenengallier.ch/neu/gastronomie.php

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