Hi all ...

First, my knowledge of javascript in general and jQuery in particular is
relatively weak, but growing.  Just a disclaimer :)

I'd been using the tableFilter plugin on another project
(http://ideamill.synaptrixgroup.com/?page_id=16), it's main drawback was
that it was old & no longer maintained - and the author points you to the
tablesorter plugin (http://tablesorter.com/docs/).  

In general I like tablesorter more than tableFilter so far, but the one
thing that I used heavily on tableFilter was its filtering.  I've poked
around a little bit but mainly found examples of people having a single
filter across all columns in the table.  With tableFilter, every column
was filterable - it did this in an as-you-type fashion, and even allowed
for basic comparison logic on numeric values (e.g. ">= 45").  Does anyone
know of an addon/modification/etc out there that would bring this sort of
functionality to tablesorter, or at least something that might be "most of
the way there" that I can try to modify?


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