Hi All,

  I've been using an iframe to create a 'selector' (a kind of a select
with a filter in it) and have been trying to fire an event (change) to
update the input status. This is the code when I select an option:

        $('table tbody tr')
        .click(function() {
          var area     = <?php echo $area ?>,
              holder   = <?php echo $holder ?>,
              selector = <?php echo $selector ?>,
              id       = this.id;
              name     = $(this).find('td:eq(0)').text();

          $('#'+holder, parent.document.body).val(id);
          $('#'+selector, parent.document.body).val(name).change();
          $('#'+area, parent.document.body).css('display','none');

look at this line:
          $('#'+selector, parent.document.body).val(name).change();

the change event isn't firing at all... i've tried with click and
nothing. Can't I fire an event in a child iframe?

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