I'm trying to figure out how to set and retrieve data without putting
it into a class, element, or anything else visible, and in the dom.

My site is integrating Facebook connect, and sometimes if a user
hasn't logged in, I bring them to the login, but I'm trying to
remember what function would have run if they were logged in so that I
can call that after they login.
currently i set the data like this
i then later try to get the value for 'selectForLogin like this
  var refreshWhat=jQuery('div#otherLogin').data('selectForLogin');

but i always get 'undefined';

i've looked at the documentation http://docs.jquery.com/Data,
but it leaves me with two questions
1) why is my data being set
2) do i have to 'remove' a data value? or do they just get overwritten
if I set it again?

any ideas?

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