> What I really want is for the user to see how many rows have been
> added out of the total number of rows in the BlockUI message. This
> would look like:
> Application has loaded 1 of 400 rows
> Application has loaded 2 of 400 rows
> .......
> Application has loaded n of 400 rows
> It might even be better as increments of ten so it is not constantly
> updating.
> Application has loaded 10 of 400 rows
> Application has loaded 20 of 400 rows
> .......
> Application has loaded n of 400 rows
> Right now I have a variable with the total number of rows and also a
> variable that get incremented with the row number, but I can't see how
> to bind the BlockUI message with these variables. The BlockUI API
> documentation says that the message can be a jQuery object, but I
> cannot see how to make the bind().
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Sure.  Just do something like this:

    message: $('<div id="counter"></div>')

Then in your loop that increments the rows, do this:

$('#counter').html('App has loaded '+rows+ ' rows');

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