I'm running into some issues and I was hoping that someone could shine
a light on what's happening, I am using ASP.Net and the following
controls seem to work for all other pages I have which submit (the
following is from the rendered page, not the aspx):

<input id="_ctl0__Footer_cmdSave" class="FooterButton" type="submit"
title="Save Changes" language="javascript" onclick="return
FooterSaveClicked();" value="OK" name="_ctl0:_Footer:cmdSave"/>

<a id="_ctl0__popinDialogFooter_cmdCancel"
class="popinDialogFooterLink" href="javascript:__doPostBack
('index.html','')" onclick="return Cancel();">Cancel</a>

The onclick events are never obstructed and that's fine, but in
Firefox, the validation works if an empty entry is submitted but then
the OK/submit input still does not work after all requirements are met
by the form fields. The cancel button simply never works in IE7 or
firefox.  I have a feeling that when I solve one problem it will solve
both as it's the same behavior: onclick fires, nothing else works. I
am using only the required and minlength options. Any ideas what I
might be doing wrong?

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