thats perfect! thanks comslash!

On Mar 9, 11:29 am, "" <> wrote:
> Try this ...
> I did some testing and it seems that the $(this) was not selecting
> correctly as before and the :last was selecting only the last p tag on
> the page not every the last p tag in each article
> $('article>p:last-child').each(function(){
>      $(this).replaceWith($(this).html());
> });
> Explination ...
> // selecting the last p tag in each article
> $('article>p:last-child')
> // for each of these p tags do ...
> .each(function(){
> // the current object
>  $(this)
> // replace the p tag with what ever is inside of the p tag including
> other html tags (ie <strong>)
> .replaceWith($(this).html());
> // end the for each and selection
> });
> On Mar 8, 7:55 pm, carbon <> wrote:
> > just the tags <p>, leaving the content 'last paragraph'.
> > On Mar 9, 10:50 am, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> > > Do you just want to remove the <p> and </p> tags? Or do you want to  
> > > remove the paragraph along with along with all of its contents? If the  
> > > latter, then, yes, use ('article > p:last').remove();
> > > --Karl
> > > ____________
> > > Karl
> > > On Mar 8, 2009, at 7:44 PM, carbon wrote:
> > > > Thanks, but that didn't work.
> > > > what does the .replaceWith($(this).htlm() do?
> > > > shouldn't we use something like 'remove' instead?
> > > > On Mar 9, 10:37 am, "" <> wrote:
> > > >> Try this.
> > > >> $('article>p:last').replaceWith($(this).html());
> > > >> On Mar 8, 7:22 pm, carbon <> wrote:
> > > >>> is it possible to use jQuery to strip a tag from a 'div' ?
> > > >>> example:
> > > >>> <article>
> > > >>> <p>hello world</p>
> > > >>> <p>last paragraph</p>
> > > >>> </article>
> > > >>> I would like strip the <p> tags from 'last paragraph'.

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