Actually, no. Thanks for the simplification!

On Mar 8, 6:12 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> is there any reason why you couldn't use a <span> instead of a
> <label> ?
> On Mar 8, 8:57 pm, Bill <> wrote:
> > I have markup that looks like this:
> > <div id="phrase:witness%2Bwhereof" class="as-s-comp">
> >     <label class="checkbox" title="witness whereof">
> >         <input type="checkbox" value="witness whereof"/>
> >         witness whereof
> >     </label>
> >     <a class="cl" href="#">(4104)</a>
> > </div>
> > When I click anywhere within the label, the checkbox toggles from its
> > previous state. I'd like to cancel this behavior, so that clicking
> > within the label has no effect on the checkbox. How would I use jQuery
> > to accomplish this?
> > Thanks in advance for any help with this.
> > --Bill

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