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Why not create draggable and droppable at the same time?
The way I understand it, a draggable is created so it can be dropped on a droppable, so the two are linked and it makes sense to create them at the same time.
Or do you need to create hundreds of droppables for each draggable?
Some example code or a link to an example may help get some responses to your question, and would probably help me to answer your first question about the mouse position problem you are having.

on 09/03/2009 06:56 delphilynx said::
Thanks for the answer Karl Rudd,

But that is what I already have tried. If you read the start post,
then you see that I want to create the drag and dropable on runtime.
If there is something what is not clear, please say it.

Thanks again if someone is willing to read the start post and then
point me in the right direction.

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