Isn't enough?

On 8 Mar, 10:49, new_gmap <> wrote:
> At this page you can see my 
> map:
> In the page's source code, you can see how I set up the map. Please
> do
> not care about the input box at the bottom of the div.
> The map must provide a way to select location on itself.
> For reach this, I need to customize its behaviour by managing its
> event.
> As you can see, at the lines 61 and 64 I add a listener two listener
> at the map.
> But they doesn't work. for example, when i click on the map the event
> click doesn't fire.
> Can you help me?
> (IE7 && FF3) + Goole AJAX Api 2.x + jQuery + jMap
> hi there

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