Typo: last line should be:


otherwise you'll grab text outside the span.

On Mar 9, 5:07 pm, mkmanning <michaell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A couple of notes. Rather than create and then re-create the input and
> span with every double-click and constantly reattach the blur event,
> you can just create the input once, and then show/hide the span/input.
> Here's a suggested refactoring:
> //turn all titles into textfields
> $('ul li').dblclick(function(){
>         var el = $(this), spn = el.children('span').hide();
>         var edit = el.find('input.wtf');
>         edit = edit.length>0?edit:$('<input>').attr('type','text').addClass
> ('wtf').appendTo(el).blur(function(){
>                 spn.text($(this).hide().val()).show();
>         });
>         edit.val(el.text()).show()[0].focus();
> });
> On Mar 9, 5:00 pm, Hector Virgen <djvir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Try focusing the text field right after it is created by calling focus()
> > directly on the element. That's the only way to make sure blur is fired when
> > the user clicks somewhere else.
> > -Hector
> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, bart <b...@ivwd.nl> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I've set something up which runs at
> > >http://www.vliegendepijl.nl/pages/test/
> > > As you can see it's an unordered list with some list items in it. If
> > > you doubleclick the list item the text in it is being replaced by a
> > > textfield with the same value in it. This works like it should, no
> > > problems.
> > > Now what I'd like to have is that as soon as the field is not focussed
> > > anymore (blur?) it's should go back to the text in the list item again
> > > only then with the updated info (assuming the textfield value has been
> > > changed). This is the point where it doesn't behave as I'd like it to.
> > > When I doubleclick the first and immediately after that the second
> > > they're both left "open", so I guess the blur(). method is not
> > > completely doing the trick. How can I improve my code so that there
> > > can be no more than one textfield "open"?
> > > Safari 3.2.1 (mac os 10.5) gets it right as it is now, the rest of
> > > browsers I've tested on all work like I've described. (firefox, opera,
> > > camino, chrome, IE)

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