I need to alter a parent window from its pop-up (customers insisted)
child, using dynamic data.  The following works in Firefox 3, but not
in MSIE7.

<script type="text/javascript">
var newElement = $("<li />").text("Mod State");

See http://www.5pmstudio.com/js/base.htm (click on the word "popup")
for a demo.

If I were to write out the newElement as just a string, MSIE7 accepts
it.  If I were to write in an element as a string and then select it
out of opener.document and modify its .text, MSIE7 allows for it (just
very slowly).  But sending a crafted element (as above) outside of the
current window fails in one of several ways.  (1.3.1 complained of an
unsupported interface, 1.3.2 doesn't do anything.)

In this particular case, I want to use the .text property of my newly-
crafted element because the string data isn't entirely safe to be
injecting into the middle of string-built elements, otherwise this
really wouldn't be a problem.


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