I'm trying to pass arguments to a function that's called from within
anonymous function that acts as an event handler for the click event.
The problem is that once a thumbnail(gallery.images[i]) is clicked the
startSlideshow function gets the final iteration's values passed as
the arguments, instead I would like for it to get the values(filename,
folder, width, height) of the loop iteration it was created in.

The code in question is:

        slideshow.startSlideshow(filename, "img/gallery/" +
_gallery.subpage + "/", w, h)

...the whole loop:

for(i=0; i<_gallery.numThumbs; i++){
                        node = $(_gallery.xmlFileList).find
                        filename = $(node).attr("filename");
                        w = $(node).attr("width");
                        h = $(node).attr("height");

                        tmbDim = slideshow.scaleFactoring
                        tmbW = Math.round(tmbDim[0] * 0.85);
                        tmbH = Math.round(tmbDim[1] * 0.85);

                        _gallery.images[i] = new Image();
                        $(_gallery.images[i]).load( function(){
                            $(this).css({"top": Math.round($
(this).parent().height() / 2 - $(this).outerHeight() / 2)});
                            $(this).css({"left": Math.round($
(this).parent().width() / 2 - $(this).outerWidth() / 2)});

                            $(this).data("mydim", {w:$(this).width(),h:

                           slideshow.startSlideshow(filename, "img/
gallery/" + _gallery.subpage + "/", w, h)

                        currDiv = document.createElement("div");


                        _gallery.images[i].src = "thu.aspx?img=" +
filename + "&w=" +tmbW + "&h=" + tmbH +"&path=img/gallery/" +
_gallery.subpage + "/";

Sorry for poor english(I've been at javascript for 8hrs straight),
please help.

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