I submit data to a page and load content to a div by a ajax POST
The response can contain new scripts to load and some which have been
already load by the main page load.  The browser does not sort out
already loaded/cachedscripts because jquery adds an additional flag to
the url which looks like '&_=1236778004669'. This is also the case if
I define "cache: true," parameter.

This is what my ajax function looks like:

                type: "POST",
                url: "SomeUrl",
                cache: true,
                data: postData,
                success: function(html,status){}

The response from server to this is something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="JSJQuery7i/jquery.js;></script>
Some Content SomeContent

With Firebug i can see that now an additional request is beeing
Although the script has been already loaded/cached by the browser, but
of cource, not with the "&_=1236778003896" in the url.

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