thanks, I'll fix it.

But before that, the function navigation also doesnt work, even it
just simple hide() and show()

On Mar 13, 12:13 am, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> One problem I see is that you're trying to set display: inline-table,  
> but IE doesn't recognize that value for the display property.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl
> On Mar 12, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Andri wrote:
> > Look at this :
> > When I click continue button (on the left side). It has to open a div
> > under the billing information. But on IE it doesnt work, FF is fine.
> > This is the script
> >    function navigation(id) {
> >            id2 = id - 1;
> >            $('#content'+id2).hide();
> >            $('#content'+id).show();
> >            $('#title'+id).removeClass();
> >            $('#title'+id).addClass('check_head');
> >            $('#title'+id2).removeClass();
> >            $('#title'+id2).addClass('check_body');
> >    }
> >    $('button[id=continuestep2]').click(function(){
> >            navigation(2);
> >            ck_method = $('input[name=checkout_method]:checked').val();
> >            if (ck_method  == 'register') {
> >                    $('#register-customer-password').css('display','inline-
> > table');
> >             } else {
> >                    $('#register-customer-password').hide('slow');
> >             }
> >    });
> > anybody know how this error come from?
> > Thank you before

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