Sorry if this is a duplicate post - doesn't look like the last one
went through.

I've seen several examples of how to process json data with .each when
the field names come over with json.  My data, howver, looks like the

{"aaData": [
["1001-00-1535.000","Tenant Improvements"],
["1001-00-1558.000","Selling costs"],
["1001-00-1560.000","Financing Fees"],
["1001-00-1560.001","Financing Fees - Legal"],
["1001-00-1565.000","Lease Costs"],
["1001-00-1565.001","Lease Costs -Legal"],
["1001-00-1565.002","Lease Costs - Brokerage"],
["1001-00-1570.000","Legal Fees"]

How would I drop this data into a table?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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