Ok let's see if this post works... The last couple tries didn't!

I was reading through this year-old thread which I found googling
since I'm doing something similar, perhaps someone could give me a
couple tips.

Here is the page with the example I'm dealing with:

Clicking on the checkboxes, two rows should appear (which were hidden
from the beginning) in which more information can be inserted (that
otherwise would not be necessary).

The only problem is, it seems to work only in Internet Explorer. In
Firefox the rows wind up appearing at the bottom of the table, and
every time you un-click and re-click some mysterious space begins
accumulating. Not only, but the cells of the two appearing rows don't
line up with the cells of all the other rows of the table, the seem to
want to line up with only the first column which really opens up wide
that first column shifting the whole table over to the right. Google
Chrome presents a similar problem, only the appearing rows don't wind
up at the bottom of the table. They stay where they're supposed to be,
but the cells still don't line up and they shift the whole table, and
un-click re-click still creates that mysterious gap.

At first I was applying JQuery directly to the rows that were
involved, then reading this thread I tried creating different "tbody"
sections and applying the JQuery to those sections, but the problems
remain. Perhaps it could be a problem of parent-child relationships?
I'm not sure how those work though, if anyone has any thoughts I would
be very grateful.

Here is my code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/SitoFlatnukePersonale/include/
<script type="text/javascript">


if ($("#pastoralcounsel:checked").val()!=null)
if ($("#i_am_a_catechist:checked").val()!=null)
if ($("#volunteer:checked").val()!=null)



<table class="sample">

<tbody class="alwaysshowsection">
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="pastoralcounsel"
id="pastoralcounsel"></td><td><label for="pastoralcounsel">Cons.

<tbody id="represents" class="showhidesection">
<tr><td>---</td><td><label for="i_represent"> -> rappresenta:</label></
<tr><td>...</td><td><input type="text" name="i_represent"

<tbody class="alwayshowsection">
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="i_am_a_catechist"

<tbody id="catechizes" class="showhidesection">
<tr><td>---</td><td><label for="i_catechize_this_group"> -> del
<tr><td>...</td><td><select name="i_catechize_this_group"
id="i_catechize_this_group"><option>I^ Anno Comunioni</option></

<tbody class="alwaysshowsection">
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="volunteer" id="volunteer"></
td><td><label for="volunteer">Volontario parrocchiale</label></td></

<tbody id="volunteers" class="showhidesection">>
<tr><td>---</td><td><label for="voluntaryservice"> -> servizio:</
<tr><td>...</td><td><input type="text" name="voluntaryservice"
id="voluntaryservice" /></td></tr>


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