There is probably a more concise way to do this, but I'll break down
the steps

// regular expression pattern to get the hash value
var patt = new RegExp("[^#]+$");

// The href of your attribute. This is a generic example, you will
// probably need to provide a more specific jQuery selector to get the
"a" you
// want to manipulate
var href = $('a').attr('href');

// search for hash value in href
var hashval = patt.exec(href);

// Again, you'll probably need a more specific jQuery selector
// overwrite the existing href of the selected "a"
$('a').attr('href','path/to/' + hashval + '.html');

On Mar 15, 10:22 am, Jonny Stephens <> wrote:
> Can anyone provide guidance on how to modify href attributes in this
> way:
> Markup: <a href="22_foo.html#foo22-name">
> Modify to: <a href="path/to/foo22-name.html">
> i.e. removing everything up to and including the #, prepending a fixed
> path value and appending ".html"
> Thanks
> Jonny

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