The querystring refers to the name/value pairs following the ?

The hash follows the # and is an anchorname; it's not conventional to
load it up with name/ value pairs, and in fact would result in an
invalid anchorname:
you'd be targeting an element named "name=jonas&phone=12345" which
wouldn't be a valid name (the & would have to be escaped).

If you want name value pairs, you want the window.location object's
search attribute, which will extract the name/value pairs following
the ? (which is what parseQuery and any other querysting parser will

If you want to deviate and impose a querystring on the location hash,
you'll most likely have to make your own parser (since it's unlikely
anybody else would do it this way).

On Mar 15, 10:52 am, brian <> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 1:43 PM, T.J. Crowder <> 
> wrote:
> > @brian, @mkmanning:  FWIW, looked to me from his example like he
> > really did mean hash (what some use as a synonym for the anchor
> > portion of the URI), not query string.  Perhaps he's doing some
> > history stuff...
> That should be a query string. The items obviously denote name/value
> pairs, ie. data to be passed. A hash is used to target a specific
> element/location on a page and takes a single ID.

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