I'm not sure where to begin asking for help on this one, so I'll just
explain what I'm trying to do.

What I want to do is show a notification on the page when another user
logs in.

Say I am User A, and User B logs in, I want to see a notification that
User B has logged in.

Right now I have a somewhat working version of this...

        $("#userlogin", "#container").everyTime(7500,function() {


                if($(this).text() != '') {

                                top: "0px"
                        }, 1000).animate({
                                margin: "auto"
                        }, 2500).animate({
                                top: "-50px"
                        }, 1000, function() { $(this).empty(); });


I am using the plugin that runs a function every specified interval...
so right now my logic is that every 7.5 seconds, I run an ajax call to
load in content from the ajax url... and if it is not blank, animate
the notification.

It sounds like it would already work, and it does sometimes... but
sometimes i STILL get a blank notification... even though that if
check for no content is there.

Any ideas on how I could make this more reliable or do it better?

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