Thanks... I have read some of the jQuery documentation but it does
little to describe the underlying language. I will check out the book
you mentioned this weekend.

Also, I have one more minor problem with with the above code. So the
callback function is working correctly with the exception of my
redirect. I wanted the block UI to "load" for a specified amount of
time and then the redirect to occur. I thought using the setTimeout
function would wait to execute the code for the specified time but it
doesn't work. My block UI is displayed for a fraction of a second and
then the page redirects no matter how long I set the timer for. Does
the submitHandler get processed before the user presses the submit
button? I can't figure out why the redirect occurs so abruptly. When I
try something else in the setTimer function it times correctly but not
the redirect for some reason.

                submitHandler: function(form) {
                        jQuery(form).ajaxSubmit(function() {
                        $.blockUI({ message: '<h1>Creating
Account...<br /><br / ><img src="../images/ajax-loader.gif" /></
h1>' });

                        setTimeout(window.location = "Redirect
Location", 4000);

Thanks for all of your help

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