
i have 2 problems with superfish. Hopefully someone of you can help
I am using:
- hoverIntent
- superfish
- supersubs
- bgiframe

Everything works ok except 2 things:

1) There is one white spacer (one px) on the left side of the menu.
This spacer is also present if you take a look on the example page on

2) The property speed does not have any impact on the menu. But delay
does work as intended. This is how i create the menu:

  minWidth:    12,
  maxWidth:    27,
  extraWidth:  1}).superfish({speed:'0', delay:'200'}).find

and some html

<ul class="sf-menu">
        <li class="current">
            <a href="#">Menu 1</a>
                <li><a href="#">Info</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Info 2</a></li>

Any suggestions?

_tia rene

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