Thanks for all your input.

Here's a look at what I have so far:

Since we are talking about best-practice, here is how i am switching
between the + and - characters

var pm = $(this).children(".plusminus");
switch (pm.html()) {
         case "-":
         case "+":

which is inside...

$("a.toUpperCase").click(function (event) {
         var p = $(this).parent();
         var secondList = "ul.categories";
         if ($(p).find(secondList).length > 0) {
                  var pm = $(this).children(".plusminus");
                  switch (pm.html()) {
                                case "-":
                                case "+":

Would you do it a different way? I look through the docs this morning
but couldn't find a "shortcut" to using the switch statement

On Mar 18, 9:10 pm, ricardobeat <> wrote:
> It's not faster, it actually adds a bit of overhead. From jQuery
> source code:
> // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
>         } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
>         return (context || rootjQuery).find( selector );
> that means everytime you type $('.someclass', this) it's effectively
> being "translated" to $(this).find('.someclass').
> cheers,
> - ricardo
> On Mar 17, 10:02 pm, Eric Garside <> wrote:
> > As an aside, you can use a different syntax for .find() which last I
> > knew was a bit faster and less characters:
> > $(this).find('.someclass')
> > is equivilent to:
> > $('.someclass', $(this))
> > On Mar 17, 8:58 pm, "so.phis.ti.kat" <> wrote:
> > > Thanks for the tip. I started to use FF's console to see more details
> > > of the object(s)
> > > Here's my code:
> > > $(document).ready(function (){
> > >          $("").click(function (event) {
> > >                   var secondList = "ul.categories";
> > >                   if ($(this).find(secondList).length > 0) {
> > >                                 
> > > $(this).children(secondList).slideToggle("slow");
> > >                   }
> > >          });
> > > });
> > > On Mar 17, 12:18 pm, mkmanning <> wrote:
> > > >  if ($(this).find("ul")) { ...
> > > > will always return a jQuery object and so evaluate to true; you need
> > > > to check the length:
> > > >  if ($(this).find("ul").length>0) { ...
> > > > On Mar 17, 8:57 am, "so.phis.ti.kat" <> wrote:
> > > > > Hello Everyone,
> > > > > I tried doing a search and found some possible solutions but was not
> > > > > able to get it working for my markup so I am wondering if the
> > > > > following can be done and how.
> > > > > Markup
> > > > > <ul class="pages">
> > > > >      <li class="page">
> > > > >           <a class="current" title="Edit index" href="#"> index</a>
> > > > >      </li>
> > > > >      <li class="page">
> > > > >           <a title="Edit menu" href="#"> menu</a>
> > > > >           <ul id="menu" class="categories">...</ul>
> > > > >      </li>
> > > > >      <li class="page">
> > > > >           <a title="Edit menu" href="#"> catering</a>
> > > > >           <ul id="catering" class="categories">...</ul>
> > > > >      </li>
> > > > > </ul>
> > > > > So I want to say, when you click on any <li class="page"></li>, look
> > > > > to see if that <li> has a child <ul>... thats it for now. I later want
> > > > > to use the effects to "show" and "hide" the contents of that <li>.
> > > > > jQuery
> > > > > $(document).ready(function (){
> > > > >          $("").click(function (event) {
> > > > >                   if ($(this).find("ul")) {
> > > > >                                 alert("yes");
> > > > >                   } else {
> > > > >                                 alert("no");
> > > > >                   }
> > > > >          });
> > > > > });
> > > > > Thoughts? Is there a better way or better functions to use?
> > > > > I tried find and children.

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