I'm having an issue with the jquery.dates plug-in (http://  What is strange is that the
error only happens in IE and not in FF.  Everything plays nice in FF.
The error I am getting in IE is the "the object does not support this
property or method" on line 29.

27:  <script type="text/javascript">
28:    $(document).ready( function () {
29:      $("#sample1").datePicker();
30:      $("#sample2").datePicker({format: ""});
31:      $("#anchorSample3").datePicker({parent: $("#sample3")[0]});

Not sure why the datePicker() function would work in FF but not IE.
Do you guys think it has somethign to do with "$(document).ready
( function () {" on line 28?   Is there an issue with jquery, IE and
this function?  I am using jquery 1.3.


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