Hi all,

I am getting a Javascript error when using the media plugin (http://
plugins.jquery.com/project/media) in IE at the page:


(works fine in FF and other browsers).  The script error from IE is
about a missing object ("object required") and occurs on page load and
when you close the browser.

The error message when the page loads occurs in the function:

function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) {
    instance[name] = function () {
        return eval(instance.CallFunction("<invoke name=\""+name+"\"
        returntype=\"javascript\">" + __flash__argumentsToXML
(arguments,0) + "</invoke>"));

The error when shutting down the browser comes from this function:

function __flash__removeCallback(instance, name) {
    instance[name] = null;

Any ideas how to fix this for IE?


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