Custom method must return a result instantly, and don't support
callbacks as required for Ajax calls. For that, use the remote method:


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Mr J <> wrote:
> dear all,
> i'm working with jQuery validation to validate the fields in a form.
> in this form i have also the captcha (the check is verified through
> ajax).
> check the code below:
> jQuery.validator.addMethod("Captcha",
> function(value, element) {
> jQuery.get("/captcha.asp?validateCaptchaCode=" +  jQuery
> ("#captchacode").val() + "", function(data){
>                        if (data == 1)
>                                {
>                                        result = true;
>                                }
>                        return true;
>                        });
>                return this.required(element) || true;
>                });

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