Hi all,

I develop Firefox extention and like to use jQuery. It works when I
use it from overlay, but doesn't when inserted in dialog:

<overlay xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/
there.is.only.xul" orient="vertical">
        <script src="jquery.js"/>
        <script src="myscript.js"/>

In this case I can use jQuery from myscript.js

But in this case

<dialog id="mydialog" buttons="accept,cancel" buttonpack="center"
        title="My Dialog
    <script src="jquery.js"/>

all XUL controls inside dialog are not shown (except standard
When I remove
    <script src="jquery.js"/>
the dialog works just fine
When I change dialog to window the controls are shown also (without
standard buttons, of course).

Firefox 3.0.7, jQuery 1.3.2

Is it jQuery bug?

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