Found the problem, you can't use / in the name.

On Mar 25, 1:28 pm, Jens Bengtsson <> wrote:
> This is my HTML
>  <li><a>DOCUMENT/LAROSATE</a> (1)
> <ul>
>  <li><a href="/Default.aspx?q=*&amp;navigator=DOCUMENT/LAROSATE:0XD6
> VRIGT">0XD6 VRIGT</a> (20)</li>
>  </ul>
>  <ul id="DOCUMENT/LAROSATE_more">
>         <li><a href="javascript:toggle('DOCUMENT/
> LAROSATE_more');">Show less</a></li>
>  </ul>
>  </li>
> This is my javascript
> function toggle(id) {
>         $("#"+id).slideToggle("fast");
>  }
> id is passed in as DOCUMENT/LAROSATE_more but the selector doesn't
> work, there is no toggle.
> What could be wrong?

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