Ice, I just recently released a plugin that might suit your needs.
It's basically a way to transmit HTML as JSON for this exact kind of

Check out:

Taking the case you gave, if you change the JSON your returning to:

[['option', {value: 1}, 'Physics'],['option', {value: 2}, 'Chemistry'],
['option', {value: 3}, 'Biology']]

You can do the following in your ajax success function:

success: function(data){
   var el = $('#idOfYourDropdown').children().remove();
   $.each(data, function(){

iceangel89 wrote:
> i am new to jquery and what i intend to do now is to load json from
> server and then based on the json, remove all options from a drop down
> and populate it with new items from the json. something like a
> cascading drop down.
> i dunno if the json outputted is correct? do i need something like
> "department": ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz']
> [
> {Value: 1, Item: Physics},
> {Value: 2, Item: Chemistry},
> {Value: 3, Item: Biology}
> ]
> then i want to remove all <option> from a drop down then populate it
> with something like
> <option value="1">Physics</option>
> <option value="2">Chemistry</option>
> <option value="3">Biology</option>
> if possible, it will be good if i can have a default "null" option eg
> "Please select an option" that does not do anything if the user
> selects it or shows at the start and disappears once user selects it?
> whats the best way of having this default value? i think its very
> common.

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