This is totally off the cuff and untested, but

should work

On Mar 25, 3:20 pm, Jsbeginner <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a script that takes all the elements of a list and on click of
> a button it runs an ajax query for each item. It all works fine however
> I would like to have a "searching" message during the search and a
> "finished" message after the search has finished, but I can't think how
> to detect when the for cycle has finished and all ajax queiries ...
> Here's the code :
> > function checkall(){
> > $('#myform').submit(function() {
> > $("#status").html("Searching");
> > $("#mylist>option").each(function(i){
> >             lst[i] = $(this).val();                      
> >  });
> > for ( var e in lst) {
> >       checkajax(lst[e]);
> > }
> > });
> > $("#status").html("Finished");
> > }
> > function checkajax(e){
> > $.ajax({
> >             url : "/scripts/checkdata.php",
> >             type : "POST",
> >             data : "number="+e,
> >             dataType : "json",
> >             cache: false,
> >             error : function (xhr, desc, exception) {
> > $("#status").html("Error");},
> >             success : function (data) {
> > $(#mytable).append("<tr><td>""</td><td>""</td></tr>")
> >                 }
> >             }
> >         });
> > }
> As you can guess the following line :> $("#status").html("Finished");
> makes the status be finished before the ajax answers have been recieved...
> I would like to keep the ajax being asynchronous but detect when all the
> queries sent by the "for" have finished and not when they have just been
> sent ...
> Do you have any suggestions how I could achieve this ?
> Thankyou.

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