These articles will really help clean up your events

On Mar 26, 1:20 pm, "Matt W." <> wrote:
> You might want to try adding one click to the table and checking if
> the target was a td.
> On Mar 26, 7:13 am, J K <> wrote:
> > Let me start by saying that I am doing something rather unorthodox
> > with jQuery, and I realize that this is probably outside the realm of
> > what is reasonable.
> > I have a 65x65 HTML table, giving me 4225 TD cells.
> > I am making each of them clickable with the following code:
> > $('td').click(function () {
> >   // do something
> > });
> > It works wonderfully in all browsers (well, IE is a little slow, but
> > it's IE).
> > When I go to close this page, Safari and Opera close almost instantly,
> > IE pauses for a moment and then closes, but Firefox takes sometimes 10
> > seconds or more to close the tab, causing the browser to lock for that
> > time.
> > I traced the lock into the jQuery cleanup code for event handling.
> > Does anyone know why this is so slow on Firefox?

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