Could you file this as a ticket?
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On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:13 PM, freeav8r <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an autocomplete feature request.
> My request is that when a particular prefix is not found on the
> database, adding to the prefix should not cause more calls to the
> remote system:
> As an example, say I type in "ThisIsANewEntry", the following might
> happen:
> T         - 5 entries returned
> Th       - 3 entries returned
> Thi      - 0 entries returned
> This    - 0 entries returned
> ThisI   - 0 entries returned
> ThisIs - 0 entries returned
>  . . .
> Once the jQuery sees that a prefix isn't returning anything more, I'd
> like jQuery to stop trying.

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