So I am working on an AJAX call to a PHP script which validates the data submitted in a form. My question concerns the best way to get the data from PHP back to the jQuery script. Should the dataType field be html or script? I tried html and I know I could parse out what I need, but in the documentation it says script runs the code as a javascript script, but I'm not sure of the scope of this script. I tried setting a variable name in the script and changing a global variable value, but I saw no change when I displayed the value with alert(). Am I missing something?
Code below: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/register/index.php?action=validate", data: "email="+ email + "& pass1=" + pass1, dataType: "script",//"html", complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { alert("complete"); }, success: function(del){ alert("success"); alert(del); alert(email); $("#email").addClass("error"); /*$('form#submit').hide(); $('div.success').fadeIn();*/ }, error: function (xhr, desc, exceptionobj) { alert("error"); //alert(xhr.responseText); alert(exceptionobj); } }); I can make the PHP file return whatever I want. What is the best in this situation? Thanks!